We recognize the fact that you may have critical info on your virtual or dedicated web server, so we offer an optional backup upgrade that you can add anytime. While shared website hosting servers are backed up frequently by all web hosting companies, this is not the case for standalone servers, so if you do not keep a copy of your files on your home pc, you risk losing vital data in case something goes wrong - deleting something accidentally or updating a script-driven program unsuccessfully, for example. With our additional service, we shall make a backup of your content on an individual web server as to make perfectly sure that we shall have a good copy at all times and that we're able to restore everything the way it was before the problem emerged. The optional upgrade will enable you to handle your content without needing to worry about possible breakdowns of any kind.

Weekly Backup in Dedicated Hosting

We offer weekly backups for every dedicated server, so regardless of what OS or hosting CP you pick or what content you upload, we're able to keep a copy of your information on an individual hosting server and restore it any time you require it. The upgrade will give you 50 GB of disk space that you can use and you could obtain it anytime with several mouse clicks. If you wish to have backups from the beginning, for instance, you can order the service alongside the dedicated web server, while if you need it later on, you'll be able to add it to your plan via the billing area. Although all hardware elements are reviewed thoroughly, a software problem may surface anytime, so using our backup service shall give you more security, specifically if you have critical info on the hosting server. You'll be able to use this service as part of our Managed Services package deal too together with a variety of other hosting server management services that shall make the management of your dedicated server less difficult.